On 27 June, we’re introducing new stops in Atlantis, Hout Bay and along Koeberg Road in response to requests from passengers. These changes make it easier to connect with MyCiTi services and the use of temporary stops allows for new locations to be tested before we build permanent stops.


Hout Bay

A new stop, called Marlin, will be introduced on the 108 and 118 routes. This will provide a better connection for passengers, especially elderly users, from Hout Bay Heights.

Passengers should also note two stop name changes in the area. The Military stop on route 109 will now be called the Mainstream stop while one of the two Hangberg stops serving routes 108 and 118 will now be called Bayview.


A new Wesfleur Hospital stop has been added to routes 237, 246 and T02d to provide better access to the entrance of the hospital. The previous Wesfleur Hospital stop serving southbound buses has been renamed as Meermin.

In Mamre, a new stop, called Sand, will be introduced on routes 234, T02c and T02cX to reduce the walking distance for passengers.

In response to community requests, routes 246 and T02d will be extended to better serve Beacon Hill in Atlantis with two new stops, Caelian and Brecon. The Caelian stop is close to the former Caelian stop that was discontinued in October 2018.

Route 231 will be extended in Atlantis Industria East with two new stops (Harry Alexander and David Cloete) serving industries along Christopher Starke Street. The new David Cloete stop is also accessible to some residents of Witsand.

Please note that route 231 will no longer serve the Charel Uys South stop and that one of the existing John Dreyer stops in Neil Hare Road will be replaced by a new stop in John Dreyer Street, close to the intersection with Neil Hare Road.

Koeberg Road

A new stop, called Lobelia, will be introduced along route 261 to provide a more convenient connection for passengers living or working near Koeberg Road between Freedom Way and Racecourse Road.

Submit your comments

Members of the public who are affected by the placement of the new stops can submit comments by email to transport.info@capetown.gov.za or by calling 0800 65 64 63 (free call). Comments must be submitted before or on Friday 31 July 2020. All comments will be carefully considered and further adjustments may be made.