Card Expiry
Replace your expiring card up to 3 months before it expires

Check your card
Your myconnect card is a banking product and has an expiry date. Check your card and replace it up to 3 months before it expires at any station kiosk.
You will receive your new myconnect card and any value on your expiring card will be transferred to your new card for immediate use.*
Replace your card and transfer value
- Complete the application form below to save time, or get one from a station kiosk.
- Check your card at a station info terminal for your card balance, and clear any outstanding penalties.
- Visit any station kiosk with your expiring card and R22 (R30 from 1 October 2024) in cash.
- You will receive your new myconnect card and any value on your expiring card will be transferred to your new card.*
*Additional terms and conditions may apply.
What happens to the value on my expiring card?
- The value on your expiring card will be transferred to your new card for immediate use.
- Mover points that are transferred to your new card are valid for three years from the date you last loaded Mover onto your expiring card.
Tip: Mover points are valid for three years
Top up your new card with Mover for any transferred points to become valid for another three years. This is because each time you load Mover, the points loaded and any existing points stored on the card become valid for three more years.
What happens if I don't replace my card in time?
- Your card will not work.
- You can still replace your card at a cost of R22 (R30 from 1 October 2024) at any station kiosk.
- Mover points will be transferred from your expired card to your replacement card immediately.
Replacing multiple cards
If there is more than one card expiring in your household, then one person can replace all of them, provided there is a completed signed application form for each expiring card.
- Save time by completing the application form below before you visit a station kiosk
- If possible, replace your card during the quieter, off-peak times when kiosks are less busy
- Check your receipt and your change and store your receipt safely